Corporate Partner Benefits - Annual Business Conference

  Diamond Corporate Partner Platinum Corporate Partner Gold Corporate Partner NCSA Corporate Partner
Company Logo Prominently Displayed Conference Signage.
Company Contact Information, Logo, and Link to Company Website Placed on the NCSA App.
Company Contact Information and Logo Placed in the Event Training Manual. Logo Only Logo Only
Conference Sponsorships - Priority Selection. (First Come First Served) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Conference Registration for ___ Company Representatives. 4 3 2 2
Company Name Announced at the Podium to All Attendees by a Member of the Association's Executive Committee.
Company Name and Logo Digitally Displayed During All Breaks in the Conference's Training Room.
Tickets for the Annual Banquet. 3 2 1 0
Exhibit Booth.
Exhibit Booth - Priority Selection. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

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